Totem Acoustics

Totem’s determined foray into the realm of musical transducers has been a path to which we have strictly adhered. Uncompromising design, engineering, attention to detail and extensive critical listening tests — the attributes long associated with all our products — have resulted in speaker systems worthy of the Totem name.
At Totem Acoustic, minute attention to every detail is our guiding principle. We believe a speaker should exhibit liveliness and spaciousness of sound, with all the qualities that make live music truly soul-moving. Dynamics, transients, decay, harmonics, timbre and rhythm must all be realistically portrayed.
Each speaker unit is assembled with great precision, using meticulously selected components. Every speaker model features its own distinct internal wiring, scientifically selected and tested “by ear” during prototype and finalization stages. Music of any period, country or style is accurately and emotionally rendered with a focus that is at once powerful, moving and delicate.


Distributed By:
Brusselsesteenweg 283
D-2000 Mechelen


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Totem Acoustics
Totem New Tribe Range With Performance And Colour To Match (CEDIA Home Technology Event 2011)