CEDIA EXPO USA 2006 : mile high success

September 16, 2006 — Article

Just try to imagine almost 60,000 square meters, like 20 football fields, packed full of innovations from more than 500 exhibitors, close to 30,000 in attendance, over 300 training sessions, with 8000 “students”…

The CEDIA EXPO 2006, held in Denver Colorado expanded Convention Center for the first time, was bigger than many anticipated. Even the airports were overwhelmed by the traffic, with up to 3 hour delays on the final day. It was said that this was the most important event ever organized in Denver, and everyone was totally impressed by the superb professionalism of the organizers. Hats off to Mr. President Andy Willcox and all his team.

Looking in from above

HD was clearly the focus with lots of new 1080p products. The preparation for films via Internet is on the way too with more media centers for video with huge storage capacities. You can see all the press releases we have already put online, and we have two suitcases full of press kits with piles of documentation and high-def photos that will give us lots of detailed info to fill our columns in the coming weeks…

But what impressed us the most was the opportunity to talk to, in such a friendly environment, the founders of many of the companies at the show including Bob Stuart of Meridian, Noel Lee, The Head Monster, Jacques Mahul of Focal-JMLab, Sam Runco, Jim Thiel, Jeffery “James” Coombs of James Loudspeaker …, just to mention a few of those we met, as well as industry leaders who we were able to interview.

With our over 70 video clip in the box, we were booked from morning to night. We will be bringing you first hand presentations of the hot products at the CEDIA 2006 by market professionals that really know their stuff. The last day, although a short one for the exhibitors, was a long one for us with 27 interviews alone, being solicited right and left, from before breakfast to after dinner! We were extremely impressed by the product managers and product trainers in their presentations, and just to mention one where you will have to really have to “fasten your seatbelt” to hear all they had to say in a crammed pack demonstration of the award winning Adagio Entertainment System by Crestron.

Just a little patience as we will be back in Paris at the end of the week, editing, encoding and uploading our hours of exclusive videos to let you enjoy first hand all we experienced in this unique Home Theater Event of the year.

Book you agenda for September 2007 NOW!

All about ...

James Loudspeaker
Monster Cable