SUPRA AGS-10k Humbuster

August 26, 2010 — Article

High-end Swedish cable company SUPRA has launched the AGS-10k Humbuster, an ‘audio ground separator’ designed specifically to solve the hum and noise problems that can occur when connecting a computer to a hi-fi system.

It’s a ground-isolating transformer (or hum blocker, as SUPRA likes to call it) which is connected between the audio line-level outputs of a computer laptop or desktop and the audio inputs of a hi-fi amplifier. It uses toroidal transformers which SUPRA claims offers wide frequency range and low distortion, even at very low frequencies.

The chassis is made from a solid block of extruded aluminium, which helps prevent any RFI pick-up and it has gold-plated phono- sockets.

It can also be used without a computer and be connected between any two line-level components in a hi-fi or home cinema system to avoid ground loop hum.

The SUPRA AGS-10k Humbuster is available now for £100.

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Supra cables